Sunday, 7 October 2018
function [c] = savgol(m, nl, nr, ld) %SAVGOL Calculate Savitzky-Golay filter coefficients. % c = savgol(m,nl,nr,ld) % m is the order of the smoothing polynomial (positive integer) % nl number of left (past) data points (positive integer) % nr number of right (future) data points (positive integer) % ld is the order of the derivative desired. ld=0 for smoothing, % ld=1 for the filtered first derivate (needs to be divided % by the step size). m>=4 is recommended for derivatives. % % Example cubic smoothing: % f = [1 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.3]'; % example data % c = savgol(3, 2, 2, 0); % smooth with cubic polynomial % f_smooth = c'*f % smoothed value at index = 3 % % Example calculate first derivative with 2nd order polynomial: % f = [1 1.4 1.5 1.4 1]'; % example data % dt = 1.0; % example data step size % c1 = savgol(2, 4, 0, 1); % 1st derivate at rightmost position % df_dt = (c1'*f)/dt; % divide by step size assert(nl >= 0 && nr >= 0 && ld <= m && nl+nr >= m && ld >= 0); assert(mod(nl,1)==0 && mod(nr,1)==0 && mod(ld,1)==0 && mod(m,1)==0); i = -nl:nr; % rows of Vandermonde matrix j = 0:m; % columns of Vandermonde matrix A = i' .^ j; % Vandermonde design matrix: A(line, col) = i^j; K = (A'*A)\A'; % least squares: (A'*A)^(-1)*A' c = K(ld+1, :)'; % line 1 = smoothing, line 2 = 1st derivative ... end
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